This is the day

By wrencottage

Pasta all'arrabbiata

It's been a day of doing a myriad of jobs, none very momentous, but which have given me a lot of satisfaction. For this reason I completely forgot about taking a photo to blip until after it was fully dark outside, so I’m afraid you are saddled with a picture of the dish I cooked for lunch. It was the first time I'd tried this recipe from the Hello Fresh cookbook, and it was a great success. 

It has to be said that the portions in the Hello Fresh cookbook are too big for us, so what they consider to be a meal for two people would last us for two meals. However, we have been thwarted. This afternoon the Traveller spotted the remnants in the fridge ... although he didn't see the fresh basil and grated Parmesan I'd set aside for our second helping (!) ... and so our leftovers are now only sufficient for a modest lunchtime snack rather than an evening meal.

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