
By Bom

Deer at Holkham

I couldn't make the U3A photoshoot at Holkham on Friday, so G and I went this morning, the only day we could both make it before the walled garden closes at the end of October. I took my long lens as I was most keen to get a photo of the deer. This cutie was near the car park and stayed after the others wandered off. I've added an Extra of a stag bellowing - such a strange noise. Using my long lens meant I was more restricted in the fab greenhouses in the walled gardens, but still a few flowers outside the greenhouses to photograph. I had a fab mint hot chocolate and a berry bakewell cake sitting outside the walled gardens in the sun, just lovely. We largely avoided the crowds and the kids until we got nearer the house - it's been very busy here this half term. A great photography morning and beautiful weather after another 10mm of rain overnight - there were quite a few large puddles around. 

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