
By analogconvert13

Halloween '23. Lumix M4/3 20mm

As if the world needs to make up horror when there is so much out there already to go around...  But there was some levity at work today, funny outfits, candy being handed around.  It does help to lighten one's mood.
The person inside this mask - of the kind much favored by bank robbers back in the '80s - is Michael, our building manager.  Here he is seated at his desk in Mission Control this morning, finger on the pulse of the place.  In case you're wondering, his wife is a Londoner, and Arsenal his preferred football team.  He endeared himself to me immediately a few years back when he mentioned that he had to stop going to protests in Harvard Square when he could no longer outrun the cops....  
The Extra is one of the Building Services team, Luis, who decided to come as Super Mario.  He starts his day out in the parking lot booth, collecting parking fees from patients as they arrive for their appointments.  In between, he reads Borges, occasionally Yeats; I always stop by to see what he's reading.  Only in Cambridge, Mass, a former Hippie, and a musician/poet running the place, and that's what provides the charm to make me keep comin' back.

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