
By JackyMT

Fuchsia cuttings

1st November

These are all the fuchsia cutting paula has taken they sre doing well

Took Tanzy to have her teeth cleaned today. She had her front teeth top an bottom removed 8 altogether bless her that set us back a cool £883.42. That was a good year saving up as we knew it would have to be done. I could have had a holiday for that.
Shes ok and had 2 meals of fish i got specially for her, she loves fish. At least the vet said the bloods showed shes a very healthy dog

Misty kept looking for her when we got back without her this morning then kept coming in and meowing and wandering round. She gave her a welcome whe we brought her home even if Tanzy just pushed her aside. The cat loves Tanzy but i dont thing its returned.

Not been too bad a day although not done very much couldnt sttle to anything

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