Nothing coming for a while

So it's safe to lie down and look along the new tram tracks as they approach Haymarket. Not sure what the date is for the first tram running along this section, but still many months off I expect.
I did have half an idea that I wanted some rail tracks in my image today, having seen that today in Poland, June 14th, is National Remembrance Day for the Victims of the Nazi Concentration Camps. On June 14, 1940 a train carrying 728 Poles from the prison in Tarnów arrived at a former military barracks in a little town called Oswiecim, thirty miles south-west of Kraków. This was the first mass deportation to what would become the Auschwitz complex of camps and consisted of Polish political prisoners, including veterans of the September 1939 campaign, members of underground independence groups, high-school and university students and teachers, and a small group of Polish Jews. They received numbers 31 to 758 (as the first camp numbers, 1-30, had been given to German criminal prisoners who had arrived earlier). Out of the 728 prisoners who arrived at Auschwitz on June 14, 1940, 298 survived the war and 272 are known to have died, while the fate of the other 158 is unknown.

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