The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Artwork by Janine Houseman

From the cover of a book I've just ordered. It was not actually my intention to blip it, but I'm in the office most of the time and it's so DARK when I leave! 

 We had CPR training at the surgery today, and there's a new kind of resus-annie doll that links up to an app on an iPad. I tried it and  scored 99% for CPR! We also witnessed a GP, who was pretending to be unconscious, being slid out of a car onto a blanket in the car park. This was to show us how to evacuate an unresponsive person from a car in an emergency. I'm not sure that I could do it. Clearly, CPR can't be performed on a person sitting up/slumped in a car.  We also got introduced to the new 'crash trolley' which is used in case of an emergency in the surgery. 

Storm Ciaran passed us by, but blasted the South Coast. I'm off to a meditation session in a minute, and still haven't caught up with all my blip yesterdays. 

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