A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Gala day!

One street 17
I tend to say that not much happens on my village 'one street' but today, the third Saturday in June isthe one exception as it is The children's Gala day.

The parade starts at the top of Long Lane and processes right through the centre of the village along Harden Road to the gates of Ferrands Park where they entertainment continues for 2 - 3 hours.

As you can probably see it wasn't the most clement of afternoons with a very heavy down pour just before the judging took place at the top of the hill, but it has remained reasonable for most of the afternoon.

The street is closed to traffic for about 20 minutes and the parade is led by the Pheonix New Orleans Band. This is followed by the Gala queen and her attendants on a vintage vehicle. There were two floats this year, the Brownies and as usual the Harden Players, some of whom can be seen here waving to me. These are some of the ladies I walk with. The float is promoting 'Jack and the Beanstalk' which will be our pantomime in February. Well done all who put it together.

Following on are the walking floats younger children from our village pre-school and toddler groups. Hard to see as there are so many adults accompanying them! But I liked this pair of little creatures as they are holding hands!

In the field (park), there is old fashioned fun. A roundabout; coconut shies; bouncy castles; pot smashing and football shooting stalls and lots of things you can try to win. You used to be able to take a ride in a crane up into the canopy of the trees but Health and Safety put a stop to that!

Hidden in the trees on the left is a small steam train. Chris was taking money for this for the first hour. He used to be of the committee but it is,a young mans game as a lot of hard work goes into preparing the field putting all this up. He is now an honorary life member which,means they can still ask him to help!

Then of course there is a tea tent where wonderful.ladies do the thankless task of making sandwiches and cakes etc. We used to be able to go with very,little money and know,the children could go on al the attractions, have ice cream and still all have tea before coming home. It still is cheap, the aim is not to make money but for everyone to have a good time.

A brilliant event and long may it last (2 local galas have been cancelled this year due to lack of support to set them up and probably Health and Safety issues). Wonderful work all you people who put this together whatever the weather, it makes our village special.

Daughter Grace was Gala Queen attendant when she was 6 - 23 years ago seen here on the right

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