My Daily Life in Photo's.

By Mothermudd

Watch this Space.

Another crazy weather day.
I was going out about 9.15am, but it started raining like mad; so I washed up etc; the rain stopped, so I popped to the Greenhouse briefly to check on the leakage, also I decided the Roses my daughter gave me the other day had had it; thinking of a man I met in the Summer & Monty Don I decided to do what the Man's Wife does & try to grow them, I cut them like I've seen Monty Don do & popped them into a pot of Compost with added grit; now it's a case of wait & see.
Now was the time to go get my meds that were not available on Wednesday; I got into the car just as the Heavens opened sending rain & Hail Stones or as I always said to my children " ICE BALLS!", madness. Car Alarms were going off, but hard to hear them with the racket of the Hail crashing onto my car as it was the other cars.
I waited for them to stop before driving off safely to get my Meds & have a wander around a new B&M locally, opened up in August I think.

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