The Pensioner

By Pensioner

Collectors' Korner

A walk to Newhaven having my ear chowed by Wardie Bay Beachwatch. That’s a person, btw. Still, I did pick up some intel on the other crowd’s doings.
And then up to Stills for an opening. An exhibition which celebrates the work of Café Royal Books, an independent publisher dedicated to post-war photography from Britain and Ireland with a particular interest in unseen or overlooked work. Yep, cut/paste. And who was there but MrFT and her as well. He’s the sort of guy who actually has some of Craig Atkinson’s 600 issues. Well, Stills has the whole lot for your perusal on the walls. And I’ve got to say, they aren’t half bad. Of course things used to be much more photogenic back then. The shabbiness and ordinariness of so much of life. Now it’s all so bloody Instagrammble and chi-chi. Booo! Down with that.

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