
By Memories4Me

Peabody Essex Museum

On my way back to Maine I stopped at the PEM to see their exhibit on the Salem witch trials and the idea of restorative justice.  How does a society go about righting long ago wrongs?  It is a question that is still very much with us.  My ancestor, Ann Alcock Foster, was mentioned.  Her grandmother was my 9th grandmother.  Accused and convicted of witchcraft, she died in prison before she could be hanged.  I believe she was the last victim of the hysteria of 1692/93.  The dungeon where she and others were kept in Salem lasted until the mid-1950's when it was final torn out.  This is a picture of it taken around 1935.  I love this quote from one of the accused which I feel is still appropriate in this day of fake news and gaslighting.  I guess somethings never change.  Gift#318: a glimpse into family history.

I've added a sign explaining the hand loom owned by a family which played a big role in the hysteria.  I think I will re-read The Crucible by Arthur Miller this winter.

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