Test shot of the village Post Office. Had thought, or hoped, that the thorough cleaning to the camera's sensor a few weeks back, had sorted the colour cast issues. Initial signs were good - I used the camera without problems for a load of (low ISO) shots at an event recently. From this evening's (high ISO) shots, it obviously isn't sorted. This was the last of four taken here, and the only one that looked okay. The first being overly blue, and the other two having a magenta cast. Big event on next weekend, and I was hoping to use this as a second camera for a wide-angled lens. Bugger!

That silhouetted tree behind seems to be leafless, so must have died in the last year.

Weather was much, much better than the gloomy forecast. Lots of sunshine, instead of the overcast all day prediction. Also, only one brief heavy shower in the morning, instead of hours of rain.

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