PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Ya Gotta have Faith

Couldn't help it, just George Michael just popped into my head as I was thinking about a catchy title for this close up of our lovely bear 'Faith'. Not that I'm a particularly huge fan of the song... In fact I can't get it out of my head now and it's bugging me! Haha...

I've blipped Faith several times before... She'll always be one of many favourites of mine. She is missing her right eye, yet when she blinks you can still see the closed skin over the socket moving as her eyelids obviously still have that reflex on that side. After we removed her eye she became very withdrawn and cranky towards her previous playmates (despite not being able to see out of the eye before we removed it). It took months for her to come out of her shell again, but today she pretty much back to her normal, playful, happy self :)

She came and sat right next to the fence and I only had my 300mm lens - hence the extreme close up!

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