The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Morning strikes the the Old Chapel

So, what happened today? I went to work. I was allowed to use my own room this morning (woo hoo) and then went to the Multidisciplinary Team Meeting at my home surgery. Went across to the Town Surgery, then back to my office at the other place, to drop off laptop. I did not have any face to face appointments, and I only saw my colleague for half an hour because she had home visits and meetings. 

Walked home. V came found, we had supper, then drove to the Trinity Rooms for a Gong Bath. There was a sign in the door about entering quietly, and so we tiptoed in. Much to our surprise, a bunch of people were standing around a piano, singing. They asked if we wanted to join them. We asked if there was going to be a gong bath. They burst out laughing. 

I checked the link for booking tickets and found that the Gong bath, for which we had paid 12 pounds each, had actually happened two nights ago! Oops. And there was I thinking it was a special full-moon gong bath! Clearly the full moon had got to me too.

V was primed to go out, so we went to the Brewery for a drink, then she dropped me off. I'm glad  to have at least part of an  evening at home. 

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