
By Honeythedog

Christmas tree.

It’s been awhile since Darren as posted anything on here. Social media has never been able to old Darren’s attention 100%, it’s probably closer to less than 25%, but he doesn’t close them down so he always has the chance to pop back.
Darren hasn’t been well since early September and is currently waiting to see a cardiologist, whenever the appointment comes through. He’s been particularly affected by his symptoms the last few weeks and to make things worse I’ve been unwell the last week, though I am starting to get back to my old self.
While some people radiate to social media when life takes a turn for the worse Darren removes it almost completely, after all nobody wants to know it’s been a crap day, everyday, though to contradict himself he doesn’t overly like happy posts everyday either, a bit of misery makes you appreciate the happy times more.
So here we have his Christmas tree amongst the fake fires, he’s not really into it this year but he’s trying.

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