
Three thirty minute sessions on the continuing saga of the presentation for the big meeting next week. TBH, one was a check-in that I felt was needed to keep everybody moving forward and one was a review of the more-or-less finished presentation with some help from Product Marketing. 

I didn’t go out to my Tai Chi class. I probably could have done but I kept thinking about the work. I did prepare dinner and was quite pleased with both the way it looked on the plate - hence the photograph - and the fact that is is quite healthy and reasonably economical. I think the economical bit is going to be important: PY forwarded me a note from the electricity company on The Island who are predicting that, next year, we’ll see £109.28 increase in our electricity bill for the flat. It really doesn’t look like a lot compared to many people but this is for a place that’s, currently. unoccupied most of the month. We hope to change that in 2024 so, maybe, we should concentrate on using it.

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