Dancing Octopus!

An office end of term social event was thoroughly enjoyed by all. We had a range of different dishes but the 'dancing octopus' (now nicknamed 'shoctopuss!) caused the biggest sensation. The dish arrives and appears to still be alive, wriggling and wiggling in the bowl. There was much giggling and squealing and that was just from the Japanese staff!

I was feeling particularly squeamish until it was explained - the high salt content in the soy sauce reacts with ions in cells of the tentacles creating voltage differences, and making the octopus move. I have to say it was very realistic and if you look closely in the picture you can see the sucker attached to a finger, and yes, it was wriggling! :-0

I have a reputation for enjoying very rare food but this was a little too rare! I'm with Oscar on this one ;)

I want my food dead. Not sick, not dying, dead.
Oscar Wilde

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