Drag it daddy!!!

Today there as quarter mile drag race near the airport. I was told that lot of fancy motorbikes and cars would be gracing the occasion and raising some dust off the earth. So inspite of being a bit tired from yesterday's ride, decided to go and try to get some decent shots. The event was quite disappointing. The previous drag race was in January and was a runaway hit. Lot of fancy machines graced the track. One of my biker friends felt that having an encore so soon probably took its toll on the event. Just a couple of fancy cars and bikes. Rest were all regular machines with some customizations. A few riders displayed their wheeling skills but rest of the races were quite repetitive and boring. So we started looking for shots off the track.

This young lad was probably trying to learn biking - too early for him. The man (who I assumed is his dad) took his son on a few rounds before giving the control to he young rider. The young one actually held on to the handle after a while. Am sure the young lad will remember this father's day! Sad that I didn't get a decent shot of that.

It was a round trip of 85km again to the airport after yesterday's ride. And all that for such a boring show!

more pictures from the drag race shared here

backblipped yesterday's trip here

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