Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Trying to find lots of things not to do!

I started quite early for me today and went to pick up Mike in Morningside. We were heading to Melrose for the funeral of a mutual friend through Cursillo. I met Trudy in 1989 and considered her a friend. She was a lovely lady exceedingly skilled as a creative craftswoman and needlewoman and always had a smile on her face.
We got to Melrose just after 11. 30 so had a quick coffee before the funeral at 12. 30. I had been fooled by the bright dry Edinburgh weather and had changed into a wool jacket rather than a waterproof one. Mistake! Melrose, although very pretty did not have the same weather as Edinburgh. I rushed into the charity shop to see if I could buy an umbrella as the funeral finished with a burial. They had no umbrellas for sale but one of the staff, after checking to see, gave me her own. She said she had 3 at home so it didn't matter if I didn't return it (I did of course) along with a pack of biscuits and grateful thanks.
It was a lovely funeral and we caught up with lots of old friends. It's hard to be desperately sad when somebody was 96, but they still leave a gap especially for those closest.
This afternoon I waited in for a package which required ID for receipt, fortunately it wasn't too late in arriving as they had threatened arrival by 10pm. I don't have time to wait in to receive something with 14 hour delivery window - who does- and they wouldn't deliver to a locker or neighbour.
When I went through to change, I discovered that my darling cat had been sick on my bed, which necessitated a quick visit to the launderette before it closed. At £23, it would almost be cheaper to buy a new quilt. She's been warned!
Next it was out to the Gyle to pick up a package which had to be picked up by tomorrow or would be returned- and I have no time tomorrow. That's where my blip came from when I realised It's taken no pictures.. Again!
I made a second batch of Cranberry sauce when I got back, so that should be plenty. I need to dig out last years shopping list and the Christmas meal preparation timetable to make sure I don't miss anything. I'm hardly going to have time to spin on the spot over the next few days and I still haven't wrapped any presents!
..... and breathe....
Time for bed, says Zebedee!

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