Judith's photos

By Judith

I dropped Mr W off at the bowls club and then drove on to Trowbridge, where I was hoping to get a couple of photos printed for a camera club competition. The place I wanted to go to was closed so I went back to watch Mr W play and to console myself with a mug of tea & a Kit Kat.
On the way home we did a quick detour to visit the Community Fridge. This is completely separate from the food bank. It’s open for anyone to visit, its aim being to prevent overstocked but perfectly useable food from going to landfill. The volunteer team collect from local supermarkets several times a day and then the coordinator posts a plea on the town Facebook group for people to come & help themselves. You should have seen the mountain of sprouts! I won’t need to go out to buy potatoes tomorrow morning - I’ll stay in and make curried parsnip & carrot soup instead. The rolls will go in the freezer.

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