Learning day by day

By EmmaF

New Traditions!

We always used to go ice-skating on Christmas Eve but lockdown stopped that and then it seemed to be tempting fate to take C skating with her injury history. So last year I took them to the West End to see Mary Poppins and it gave Jim the day to rest before Christmas itself. This year I wasn't sure what to take them to see as their tastes are quite different. Neither of them remember going to a panto, although they did when they were little. I am not a panto fan but I decided that we would give one a try and if we were going to do it then we would do it properly at the Palladium. Well I am glad we did it because it was hilarious and very risque. How they get away with some of it is anyone's guess. Both kids were mortified at times. Will was wondering if he was old enough to be there, despite not getting most of it! Carys got a lot of it, but thankfully not all of it! We all enjoyed it and came out grinning. So this maybe the new Christmas eve tradition for us  

I had wanted to wander and see the lights after, but cost saving and for environmental reasons the lights aren't on until it gets dark. Carnaby Street was lovely though even in daylight and Will got a tick on his 'food in london' list as I treated them to bubble waffles in China Town.

Back on the tube to the car (no trains running today) and home. Takeaway pizza, Die Hard and then Polar Express to finish off the day. 

They maybe 14 and 16 but Santa still got left and mince pie and drink and a carrot. Stockings were hung and then the wait began!

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