Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Davos Lake

This morning there was flat light so we did not want to ski. Instead, we went to Davos for a walk around the lake. The lake car park was closed as the military were setting up the security barriers for the World Economic Forum which starts in Davos next week, so we had to park elsewhere and walk back to the lake.

It turned out to be such a beautiful day, with the blue skies that could be seen through the clouds. I could not stop taking photos as we walked around the lake, the views and reflections were just stunning. I could not decide on a blip as I had so many to choose from today - if you are interested I have put some more here.

The walk took nearly 2 hours, and during the time we saw the air ambulance go twice to rescue someone on the ski slopes above us! Scary stuff when the helicopter is called to airlift someone and take them to hospital.

After our walk we went into Davos for a light lunch at Kaffee Klatsch, a favourite spot. It was so busy! One little girl in the cafe was quite taken with Xena and spent ages stroking her while we were eating our lunch.

I then spent the afternoon editing photos while Gavin had some things to do. Next thing I looked up it was supper time and I had not started making dinner! 

We are missing the boys. Tommy tells me that the weather at home is rather wild, and a few trees came down in our neighbourhood today, one landing on a car at a house down the road from us. He is driving to Cornwall today and I always worry when anyone travels in such bad weather.

Tomorrow...possibly skiing again.

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