Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

View of the village

Last night it started snowing at about 10pm, and it snowed all night. The weather changes so quickly here in the mountains, from a sunny day with azure blue skies one moment to snow the next. This image was taken this morning as the snow stopped, and it looked like it was clearing. However we had more heavy snow until about mid morning when it finally stopped snowing, and then later the sun came out and it was another beautiful day - see the extra. The extra was taken behind our chalet apartment which is the white building on the right. It is up the hill from the village which means we have terrific views (we are on the top floor) but it's a steep walk up and down to the village, although we like the exercise so don't mind that as the views more than compensate for the walk up the hill.

As it was snowing we did not go out with Xena first thing this morning. We used the time to adjust our itinerary for our trip to Vietnam in December, researching places to visit, as since we first planned it we have spoken to many people who have visited and I felt we were missing some places we should see and spending too long in places that were not as appealing. It's a year away so we have time to change it.

We then went for a long walk and had coffee in the village at our favourite place, Kaffee Klatsch. Then we walked back up the hill and played in the snow with Xena behind the apartment. Gavin had some admin and chores to do so he spent the afternoon doing that.

Tomorrow is our last full day here, it has been a lovely visit as it always is. 

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