
By airedaleknitter

Raindrops on roses...

well not quite as the roses are in bloom yet, but I have had great fun taking photos of water on loads of the leaves in the garden.

After I'd blipped last night, I finally sat down to relax, and Miss H rang to say she was stuck on the floor could we go over and help her up. Obviously we did, but we couldn't get her up either as she was in so much pain stuck right at the top of her stair case. So cutting a long story short we ended up with a ambulance responder, and ambulance crew and 5 hours in the Infirmary! Thankfully her hip isn't broken but she has a nasty strain to her adductors so is on crutches etc etc. By the time we got to bed the dawn chorus was in full throw and the milk man was just coming in to the street with this morning's milk. Needless to say we haven't done much today, though Mr H and I are going out to Skipton Little Theatre to see their production of Noel Coward's Hay Fever.

Chose this photo as it seemed a odd colour combination and some how appealed to me in my weary state!

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