Tractor Factory Photos

By TractorFactoryPhotos

Skate Culture Article #19: The Chink Chink...

Some skateboarding tricks have multiple descriptions.  A standard manoeuvre name which is just a combination of it's constitute parts and a nickname by which it is generally known.  For example there is a trick on vert which is a one foot nose grab to tail.  It is more commonly known as The Madonna.

Jan is doing a Fakie nose pivot to Fakie or more commonly known as a Chink Chink.  I think it has a bit a Fife homegrown mystique and it's always the Fife skaters that bring it to the session and the most stylish Chink chinks are usually done by Fife skaters.

Jan here gave me a wee lesson to get me started.  I've mentally pegged Chink Chinks as a 2024 learn.

Notes on the Skate Culture Articles...
I've been writing these wee articles as a wee primer to introduce the culture and language of skateboarding to those on the outside trying to explain aspects of it in normal terms.  Might be a coffee table book at some point.

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