
By Photogen

Himalayan Poppies

Today I had lunch at Ross Priory on the banks of Loch Lomond. I made the Priory my Blipfoto on 13 April when the daffodils were in full bloom. Today, in the walled garden in particular, the plants were stunning. You couldn't go wrong,and I'd have been happy to upload any of them.

However Blipfoto is about choices. The first blooms I came across at the back exit from the priory were clumps of the electric blue Himalayan poppies. I selected a low angle and was able to include a glimpse of two of the Gothic towers. Monty Don has said that no other plant is as unambiguously blue and I second that. They're achingly lovely! Meconopsis (its proper name) grows well in the cooler, wetter climes of Scotland than further south in the UK. This won over all the other strong contenders for today's blip.

I added a touch of Photoshop's poster edges filter to emphasise the veins backlit against a largely overcast sky.

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