Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


I spent too much time in front of the computer today - and I woke up with such painful sciatica in my leg, so sitting for long periods of time really is not good for it. I had photography editing to do for upcoming photography competitions, and then also spent far too long trying to add reports I have been sent by various camera club committee members into the minutes. I think my problem is I am not an expert in Word, and they often send me reports in different formats so I need to convert them which is a bit of a faff. 

I did go to golf where we practised with hybrids and woods today, and by the end of the session I was hitting my hybrid really well - but I know that next time I use it I will have forgotten the little tweaks and adjustments the coach told me to improve my accuracy and distance. I did enjoy the session and that is what counts.

The hellbores in my garden seem to be a bit behind, I only have a few that are open while the majority of them are still curled up as buds. They are known as Christmas roses but in my case they probably will be Valentine roses!

Gavin is out tonight so I will hopefully finish watching another episode of Truelove and The Tourist.

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