My ADHD Journey

By Adhd

Clinical Psychology

I have learnt a lot through this journey so far about the treatment options available.

Everything points to a combined treatment plan being the ideal. Medication is proven to be very effective, as is behavioral coaching. But a mix of both is by far more effective than either alone.

So here I am sitting in my first session. It's outside my comfort zone talking about my challenges. I feel like I've failed by giving up on myself.

I feel guilty. These sessions are expensive. Yes, they are worth it when considering the life outcomes, but it's still money we could use elsewhere.

Part of me feels like there are others out there who need it more, so what gives me the right to have these sessions because I'm willing to pay. Sadly I also know that that's the reality of our broken mental health system.

Today was just a kick off to set a plan. It feels good to get some out, but I feel like I just paid a lot to have someone listen to me. I'm not sure that makes sense.

I just have to trust the process.

Trust the process.

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