
By Transitoire


Today I made scones, and they haven't turned out badly at all...especially since I have no weighing scales! Here is a rough guide for those tough times when scales are not available...

- 20 tbsp self-raising flour (maybe more, maybe less...just add enough to make dough solid enough to roll into a ball)
- 4 tbsp margarine
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 1 egg beaten with enough milk to make 1/4 pint liquid

- Rub together the flour and margarine
- Stir in sugar
- Add egg milk
- Roll out to 1/2 inch thick
- Bake at GM7 for 10 mins

Our day was pretty hilarious. After finding a gorgeous feather I decided the best place for it was my hair (see photograph above). Fine when with friends. Not so fine when a customer arrives to find the two of you cleaning a van singing Les Miserables at each other in an operatic style without any prior knowledge of your say that I had a feather in my hair was probably low on their list of things to worry about! Oh well, at least they got to see the true us straightaway! Beginning a conversation with "I just followed the sound of singing because I couldn't see the reception" probably sums up their reaction pretty perfectly...but they do seem lovely.

Today we had three arrivals; the elusive missing family from last night (turns out that they have booked Sunday to Sunday, or at least they think they have...hope they're right and not our office!), and two other families who are holidaying together. So altogether there are now four families on-site...should be a nice fun week one hopes! This picture is Jen and I having a little break from work and welcoming, to play in the trolley we have to drag heavy things around. One should always indulge the child inside, it is the little things that will make a day better. I think this photograph sums us up quite well.

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