
By HareBrain

Bottoms Up

A very satisfying day.

1.  Sold an item on Vinted.  All wrapped up and posted off to kind purchaser.
2.  Had a petrol voucher from the Supermarket so went and filled the old banger up.
3..  With the expert help of Mr HB we got the ‘dogs’  bottoms’ mounted on the wall above the front door in our very cramped little hall, and upon which to hang a few pairs of shoes!.
4.  Successfully booked 3 camp sites for my big Birthday treat up to Northumberland with ‘Matilda’ in June.  As it’s a pretty big Birthday coming up and after last year’s health shenanigans, I’ve started ticking things off my bucket list, one of which is to go to visit Mary Ann Rogers,  a very favourite Artist of mine, and perhaps purchase a print, or two? And then on to the Farne Islands again to see the Puffins.  As yet we don’t know if the public will be able to land on the Farne Islands owing to the dreadful Avian flu of the past two years, but there will be boat trips around the Islands which we will definitely be going on.

All in all a good day.  Very nippy out but a few good indoor jobs done.
‘Dogs’ Bottoms’ for SillySaturday.  I know our dear Admirer would like them!! even though I don't think there is a challenge today?

Extra:  Shoes on the Dogs’ Bottoms.

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