Further my skills

By H0tamer

Nie wieder!

Today is in Germany the Tag des Gedenkens an die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus (Remembrance Day for the Victims of National Socialism). It is the anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz camps.
I scanned the books in our house and could have taken one of those horrible pictures from this horrible time.
But I decided to take this picture, of Adolf Eichmann during his process in 1961. Eichmann looked like a Biederman. He was a bookkeeper, but one of the evil kind.

Germany is these days hit by a meeting recently of extreme right wing people. Officially not of political parties, but they were present. You can read in the article I linked above what nice things have been discussed. It remembers so terribly much of a meeting 90 years ago where the extermination of the a.o. the Jews was discussed.
A very positive sign though is that over 1 million people in Germany and Austria demonstrated their disgust and discontent. I hope that we, all who are not extreme right wing, can prevent that something like WWII will ever happen again. Never ever!

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