Red, Green, and Blue

By GemmoMC

Summer Sun

It's the first day summer! I went to yoga this afternoon. It felt so good to get back into the practice. I've been out for the past 3 weeks plus more time before that to let my wrist heal. It's getting better, but it's still not to where it should be. It's been over 3 months since I injured my wrist. It's been frustrating, but I now feel like I can back into the groove of things.

I'm looking forward to summer. It's going to be hectic with preparing for Spain, but the nice warm weather just makes me happy. I haven't been happy like this in a while.

La vie est bonne.

Here are my other shots of this intersection at Bristol & MacArthur:
Bristol & MacArthur Under Construction
Bristol & MacArthur an Hour Before Noon
Bristol & MacArthur at Noon

I was going to post this instead to commemorate the Longest Day of 2013.

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