
By PixelChristi

Cinematic photography

My mate Dave ( 'lo Dave! /waves like a loon ), put me onto this blog piece a few weeks ago. It's really resonated with me, as it's all about using focus and DoF, light and placement to give a cinematic feel to your work.

My only problem really is that with my full~DSLR cameras, short of mutilating my viewfinder somehow, I can't yet "see" in that cinematic 16:9 format. If my mind's eye is left to it's own devices, it inevitably resorts to square. I "see" in square, because of many years of using medium format "square" ratio cameras. For the moment, I need some kind of visual guide, to remind myself that I'm wanting to work in that format.

That's where my fisher price K-01 comes in, with it's lack of viewfinder and it's focus peaking to get me over that particular hump. Setting it to display a live 16:9 feed ( and that's what it shows in the RAW files in LR too), is immensely helpful.

So for the forseeable, I'll be playing with the format and seeing where it takes me. Just to spice things up a little. I've been getting a little too square of late.

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