The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Through the eye of a Needle

The Needle, the Quiraing, Skye

The weather forecast was good today, and it was brightening as the day went on. So it seemed like a good day for Gus and I to have an adventure. We went with Wifie to the Quiraing on the Trotternish ridge in north Skye, where the plan was for her to leave us while we walked across the jumble of pinnacles and buttresses, and we would meet her down at Flodigarry. The parking area below was thronging with visitors, and so we needed to stride out to get away from the crowds and the distraction of other dogs (particularly as we discovered that we had forgotten to bring his collar).

When the footpath traversed below the Needle, we decided to leave everyone behind and head up beyond the pinnacle towards the area known as the Table. This photo was taken from above the base of the Needle, looking south along the Trotternish ridge. This was a place of ravens, cronking loudly to one another and tumbling between the pinnacles. There is one sat on the top of the Needle in this shot. It was very precipitous and a little loose underfoot, but Gus did incredibly well, staying close while looking a little apprehensive. Amazingly we did see a rabbit up there, and he couldn't resist a little run at it, a slightly worrying moment.

Eventually we found our way back to the main footpath below, and carried on to the end of the ridge and made our way carefully back to the road. A quick call to Wifie and she came and met us, and Gus was delighted to see her - I was too, and a touch relieved. An excellent walk with such a brilliant, trusting and steady little companion, he really is capable of meeting every challenge. He is very tired now, though.

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