Off to the Prom

We survived. My colleagues did sterling work in doing the training, bluffing their way through a few glitches and giving the clients confidence that we're on track. It was a qualified success. Still a lot of work to do in order to have it ready for widespread testing next week but a great spirit in the office today, knowing that we'd just about pulled it off. Fantastic teamwork too. My main man chipped in yesterday, working all day Sunday straight back from his week away. He provided a clarity of thought that was beyond me with my fried brain!

I couldn't muster the energy to cycle in this morning, nor to get out on the moor in the evening, an indication of just how tired I am after this last week. Fortunately, on the train home, this bunch of likely lads were just down the carriage from me, off to their school prom night. They were wonderfully self-conscious when I asked them if I could take a picture. I'd love to have seen their dates but I wasn't going to stalk them! It feels good to be posting something cheerful. I was so worried about today that just hearing that it wasn't a disaster was result enough! I don't want to got through that again. I really am getting too old for this lark.

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