An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller

Sunrise (reprise...)

Yep, another sunrise and another religious building, this time the Cathedral...

I should/could apologise for so many such buildings recently but if were in a big City then it would be different and it'd be tower blocks and such. Apart from a quick foray to a freezing and windy south coast, seems I've been stuck in one place for just a little bit too long...

Almost straight out of the can, but I did have to upright the leaning spire, as it was pointing inwards, due to the wideangle lens. The lens being the sweet Tamron 17-50mm f2.8 and no sharpening at all has been added. I've now sold the Sigma 17-70mm f2.8-4 that the Tamron replaced.

Have a look in LARGE

A similar Blip but with a different viewpoint is HERE

So, a great mid-week wish from me and enjoy the current weather! It is our summer after all and frankly, we deserve it, esp after the long (oh, so long!) winter and dodgy spring. My Heart goes out to all our Antipodean friends, who are having their winter and some dodgy weather accordingly.

Again, thanks to all who looked in on my big sun sunrise yesterday, as it got high up into the Spotlight.

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