A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Just in time ..

to avoid the rain that has now set in for the afternoon.

A bright but blowy morning as I set out for Pilates in the village. My friend couldn’t come today so Chris and I went on to Woodbank for coffee after my class. He was looking for a houseplant and I needed a card. Some lovely primulas, though perhaps a bit gaudy but ok for pots, I think I prefer my garden ones that come each year, tiny purple ones that were my mother’s and the soft yellow primroses. 

Back for lunch and despite the forecast for rain it was still bright and sunny so we headed out for a walk up Goit Stock. Snowdrops flowering by the Beck and a few Celandine appearing but my favourite time will be in a few weeks when the Wood Anemones appear. No sign of the Dippers.

We completed the circuit by walking up Leech Lane in order to pass our son’s house at the top of the village and tidy his garden wall. The rose needed pruning and I pulled out lots of last year’s dead marigolds. 
Now you can see the lovely clumps of Tete a Tete daffodils that are blooming there.

Back home through the village with just a hint of damp in the air. Inside for a cuppa and it is now raining  heavily. Perfect timing.

Anybody having issues with Flickr? It says the site is not secure and is not uploading.  Seems to be working now!!

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