a town called E.

By Eej

Big Steps ...

... with Rainbow coloured laces.

Goodbye Prop 8 and DOMA - and good riddance.

As Uncle George Takei posted:

"Today marks a watershed moment in history and a tremendous victory for the principle of equality. The 5-4 decision by our Supreme Court striking down DOMA affirms the universality of love--the desire of all people not only to find, but to value and affirm, a lifelong commitment to another person.

I have lived nearly four score years, and have borne witness to both the heartbreak and promise of true justice and equality in America. Today my heart soars, and my faith in the promise of our great nation is renewed."

I'll admit it; I shed a tear.

On a personal level, though, today was a whole big bucket of suck. Can't have it all, it seems :)

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