The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The Jane Austen jigsaw

I had a session with a very anxious client and an  interpreter on Zoom today. It was exhausting, as she had run out of medication, which of course not why she had come to see me. Then again, she had thought she was coming to see a doctor! The session lasted around two hours. I'm going to have to organise another. Towards the mid point I began to realise that she does understand a bit of English, and I can have a guess at some Ukrainian words because it's a Slavic language and some words sound like Czech.

In afternoon, some very intense research into services for children. We are not supposed to work with children under 11, and we refer the 11-25s on to the youth service, but there are some calls for help for the under-11s that I cannot ignore.  

Result? One very tired worker. Got home by bus, changed and went out to yoga class, but felt exhausted. Did not go to film club. Thought I'd probably fall asleep on a hard chair. Now I'm at home watching GPs Behind Closed Doors! 

This is part of the World of Jane Austen jigsaw. it really is an excellent series. I've done the Dickens one and the Skakesoeare. I'd like to do the Avalon one some time. 

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