Feral children

Digging and swimming in the dirt. Again. It took them less than five minutes to get completely covered, head to toe, in dirt. They were lions, apparently. Lions like swimming in dirt.....

In other news, Steve has full-on 'flu and has been in bed asleep most of the day :( We spent the day trying to keep out of his hair. Tots in the morning (late, as usual) and grocery shopping in the afternoon, followed by mayhem in the dirt patch and then bathtime. Which Bear hated and Bean LOVED (especially as he decided that actually he really really REALLY did like bubbles after all).

I took the boys out on their bedtime drive this evening after their bath and a supper of beans and dippy toast soldiers. As I drove around trying to find somewhere pretty to watch the sunset from, I started talking to God. It went something like this.

Me: Ok God, so what next?
God: Why are you so obsessed with what's next?
Me: Um...
God: Concentrate on the Now. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, that's why it's called the Present.
Me: Cheesy.
God: But true...

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