
By samsticks

Up, up and away

My morning started with Gina opening the blinds and telling me that I needed to get outside to blip the hot air ballon that was floating over our house. After an active night with Miles and the anticipation of Gina's results, I was seriously considering spending the extra five minutes in bed, but I decided that I'd just regret it if I didn't at least give it a go!

I don't think that this is the best shot of a balloon that I've ever seen (or probably taken), but seeing as it was directly above my head it was a good opportunity! At least the colours were great!

It came to represent our release from the oppression of this week when we got good news from the Doctor: all is well, thank goodness!

We're both knackered now, as is always the way after the emotional high. Thanks for all of your support across blipland over the last week. I know that I've not spent as much time as I'd like looking at your journals, but I'll certainly catch up over the coming days. I look forward to seeing what you've all been snapping!

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