Blippish Columbia

By OllieG90

Ultimate Day

Ultimate day is a Lancaster Ultimate Frisbee tradition. In the final week of term the club fathers together to spend a day together hanging out before going out as a group in the evening. It's always a great way to end the year!

This year it was organise by Lou, Tim and I and I think it was a great success. We went for breakfast, played rounders, had a mini Olympics, a BBQ, a round of disc golf and a leavers vs. stayers game (won by us leavers!). The day ended with a very competitive water fight.

It's strange to think that I won't be back to play with these lot again next year. They've formed such a massive part of this year that I'm really not looking forward to leaving them all.

Pictures is Joe, manning the BBQ like a pro. It wasn't really a photography day today!

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