Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Look who is here!

I realise that it is a long time since Tintin and Snowy appeared in my blips. They were lost in a forest of luxuriant foliage. In fact, Snowy is still trying to find Tintin!

I popped to Waitrose first thing for a few flowers and took these to Sharon, who had major surgery last week. She is doing well. Her friend, Vince, arrived. This is the first time I've had a proper conversation with him. He always seems shy in company. It was good to get to know him.

Instead of going for a walk, I went home. It was a raw sort of day and I had plenty to do in the house. Joan was looking after Mum, having taken over from Julie at 11.

I even fell asleep in my chair!

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