The Fox and the Heron ...

... came close, but nothing happened. The bird moving away on the right is a grey heron.

Seen from a hide (blind for Americans) at Filey Dams, an RSPB reserve near Scarborough. It was a drizzly final morning for our tour, and we were there to escape the rain before going our separate ways at midday. No birds of particular interest, except perhaps for a barn owl dozing outside its nest box (though it was so distant that even digiscoped images were poor). This shot at least provides a bit of comic relief

Despite this anticlimactic last day, the tour was altogether excellent, including especially a superb first day at Bempton Cliffs. Our guide lives near Scarborough, and is regularly involved with all aspects of birding in the area, as well as leading tours abroad. He was as good a leader as we have ever experienced on our numerous trips, especially with his local knowledge--his first career was as a police officer, and he had many tales to tell :)

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