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By Arell

Happy bicycle day

A productive morning!  Well, after a lazy start anyway.  More Mirabel handlebar tweaking, followed by installing a new gear cable  and housing, and test riding and tweaking and more test riding…and eventually I was able to install the new handlebar tape that is very definitely Not Black.  It looks cool though, except because I double wrapped the bit under my palms it wasn't long enough to go as far along the top of the handlebar as I wanted.  However, I have a plan for that.

And so after a bit more being lazy I cycled into town, jacking up the handlebars a little more en route, and went to look at clothes.  I had a fairly successful trip this time.  It's actually quite nice to buy nice clothes, rather than yet another pair of technical fabricked, activey, hydrophobically engineered, t-shirty base layery Goretexey fancypants fancy pants.

I saw this very normal cotton t-shirt while I was shopping.  Mirabel's hip younger sister, not long graduated from bicycle college and whose head is still full of dreams, probably looks like this.

There was time left in the day to visit Mum and Dad, play some music and have tea together.

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