Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

This window stuns me every time I see it.
It's in St Mary's church, the church in the country park, in Dalkeith. It was built by the Buccleuch family and opened in 1845. These windows were made in France.
The light behind the windows makes the intense colours simply glow, although as it is an east window you have to time it right to see the sun shining through them. Today was not the best time but they still look good . There is also a rose window to the west which is just as beautiful. The architecture inside the church is lovely with wonderful soaring arches in the roof.
We are lucky enough to use it regularly for our Cursillo meetings, but they are trying to have the church open every day from 10-3 for people to pop in. You'll always get a warm welcome there if you go.
I was especially pleased at today's gathering to see our friend A whose husband died on Thursday morning. I think she felt good to be amongst friends. Nice too to meet up with blipper Anrola and Molly. Our blips are a snap today.
This afternoon was taken up with writing the prayers for tomorrow's service. It always feels such a responsibility praying on behalf of the gathered congregation, I could spend hours editing and reediting them , but try to be sensible and accept that I've done my best after a while.
Mothering Sunday tomorrow, we're half way through Lent already .

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