One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Monday blues evaporated in a puff of smoke

Monday blues you say? Nah. I have my trump card. It is called...

... FLEXI-TIME, baby! 

Jeez, I don't think that anything better was ever invented. I looooooove my flexi-time days. My Me-Days. 

I had not been to Glendalough for almost two decades, mostly due to the fact that it is very very touristy and often very very packed. Mostly with frozen, bored Spanish students. 

But on a misty early March morning, it was brilliant. 

Come with me for a wee spin around the lake. Breathe in the fresh air. Feel the moisture making love to your sundried cheeks. Salivate at the sight of venison with poorly honed survival skills. Don't go to work. Work sucks. 
Come with me for a wee spin around the lake. 

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