
By Mindseye

123 Goooo

I’ve spent today with my boys, I’d got them both Driving experiences as either Xmas or. Birthday gifts. Youngest son N needed an adaptive course being registered blind whereas K drives a car regularly, but they worked with us so they could have their experience together.

They had a fab time, driving super cars, an Audi R8, a Ferrari 430 & a Nissan GTR!!
Todays blip is youngest being guided back to me by his instructor Ian, who had successfully “talked” him through his various laps, culminating in an awesome 123mph last lap in the GTR!!! Not bad for someone who can’t see very much at all and walks with a cane :-)

He even managed to lap his brother much to his delight……. K not so much :-)

The other picture is the 3 of us with some of the cars……my boys tower over me lol !!!

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