Live Lunch...with The Paper Shades

There's something extremely civilised about an hour of beautiful, free acoustic music at lunchtime, hot outside, cool and pleasant inside Salisbury Arts Centre.

The cafe were doing a roaring trade as everyone, from babies to pensioners enjoyed the 'Shades, who are Sarah Dollar and Jon Rixon. The duo are one of Salisbury's brightest musical lights and they often play arts festivals and gigs in London. They have an new album out, which is available on I Tunes. I've photographed them many times now, over the years and am firm friends with them both. This is their website

Bread and butter type of shot for a lens such as a 70-200mm f2.8, in my case Sigma's EX Apo.

Hope - and trust - you're all having an extremely great weekend!
I'm photographing the monthly Altar Club at the same venue much later tonight, which isn't free (IS for me!), is rock, not acoustic and doesn't include lunch!

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