

A couple of locals, Jon (who writes the blog about the excavation) and Dale, had volunteered to help out with the digging. We set them a fairly easy task to start with, cleaning off the nice cobbled surface in one corner of the castle courtyard.
They got stuck in with a will, and had finished about 9 square metres by the end of the day. Good work!
I had finished removing the baulks from Room 6, discovering some stone pads which had held up the floor-joists, and also wrestled with some rather nice carved stones found dumped in the bottom of the moat...more later.

On the way home, I was delighted to spot a female Hen Harrier quartering some rough ground beside the road. Unable to stop and photograph her, though...

Edit: We also had a lovely moment at lunchtime, when we spotted an otter in the sea, not 30 m away. It seemed completely unconcerned with us. I didn't have the long lens with me, but watched her for 5 minutes through my binoculars. Magical! Jon got a nice photo which is up on his blog for today's date

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