A time for everything

By turnx3

Cherry blossom at Ault Park

It was a cool sunny day today, the temperatures taking a bit of a dive for a few days. We had a wonderful morning at church with beautiful music, with a hint of the Irish, being as it’s St. Patrick’s Day. Tom on his cello, accompanied by Patti, the praise Band pianist, played a beautiful arrangement of Be Thou My vision, which was based on a Middle Irish poem, and we also sang it as a hymn.The choir’s anthem was accompanied by flute, and had a bit of an Irish like melody. Then after the service, the Praise Band instrumentalists plus Tammy on flute, and a couple of extras, played some Irish tunes while people were having their coffee. I stayed to listen for a bit, but then we had our Bible study to go to.
In the afternoon, we went down to Ault Park for a wander round -:it’s such a beautiful place in the Spring, with masses of cherry blossom, magnolias, daffodils and other Spring flowers and blossoms. Unfortunately, we have several cold nights coming up, so we figured this was the best day to go, in case the blossom gets burned by the frost. Of course, it was a very popular place to be, being a sunny Sunday afternoon, and people no doubt thinking similar to us - many, many photographs being taken!!
Step count: 6,869

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